The National Education Policy Center
presents two back-to-back webinars on the Peabody Journal of Education's latest Special Issue:
Should Religious Schools Be Publicly Funded? Issues of Religion, Discrimination, and Equity
Co-edited by
Ee-Seul Yoon, Joel R. Malin, Kathleen M. Sellers & Kevin G. Welner
The National Education Policy Center
presents two back-to-back webinars on the Peabody Journal of Education's latest Special Issue:
Should Religious Schools Be Publicly Funded? Issues of Religion, Discrimination, and Equity
Co-edited by
Ee-Seul Yoon, Joel R. Malin, Kathleen M. Sellers & Kevin G. Welner
Please join us! Click to Register
Dr. Sellers and Dr. Malin will lead engaging and thought-provoking discussions with panelists
on crucial issues concerning public funding for religious schools in the USA and worldwide.
Q&A will follow the panelists' discussion in each session.
Date: September 26, 2024
Webinar 1: 12:00 - 1:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
Topic: Law and Public Discourse
Chair: Kathleen M. Sellers, PhD, Duke University
Panelists: Preston Green, JD, EdD, University of Connecticut
Bruce Baker, EdD, University of Miami
Suzanne Eckes, JD, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Kevin Welner, JD, PhD, University of Colorado
Sue Winton, PhD, York University, Canada
Webinar 2: 1:00 - 2:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
Topic: Catholic Culture and Market Concerns
Chair: Joel R. Malin, PhD, Miami University
Panelists: Ee-Seul Yoon, PhD, University of Manitoba, Canada
Stephen Kotok, PhD, St. John's University
Catherine DiMartino, PhD, St. John's University
James Coviello, EdD, St. John’s University
Clara Fontdevila, PhD, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Adrián Zancajo, PhD, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Antoni Verger, PhD, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
*We recommend reading the articles in the Peabody Journal of Education before attending this webinar. Please follow the links below.
Fontdevila, C., Zancajo, A., & Verger, A. (2024). Catholic Schools in the Marketplace: Changing and Enduring Religious Identities. Peabody Journal of Education, 1–18.
Green, P., Baker, B., & Eckes, S. (2024). The Potential for Race Discrimination in Voucher Programs in a Post-Carson World. Peabody Journal of Education, 1–13.
Kotok, S., DiMartino, C. C., & Coviello, J. (2024). New York City Catholic Schools Operating in the Public Space in a Post-Makin World. Peabody Journal of Education, 1–16.
Welner, K. (2024). Charting the Path to the Outsourcing of Discrimination Through School Choice. Peabody Journal of Education, 1–17.
Winton, S. (2024). Same Arguments, Different Outcomes: Struggles Over Private School Funding in Alberta and Ontario, Canada. Peabody Journal of Education, 1–15.
Yoon, E. S. (2024). Unequal City and Inequitable Choice: The Neoliberal State’s Development of School Choice and Marketization in the Publicly Funded Catholic School Board in Toronto, Canada. Peabody Journal of Education, 1–20.
Yoon, E. S., Malin, J. R., Sellers, K. M., & Welner, K. G. (2024). Should Religious Schools Be Publicly Funded? Issues of Religion, Discrimination, and Equity. Peabody Journal of Education, 1–8.