[Case_members_2023] CASE-CSA Graduate Student Publishing Program [Workshop 4: Editing Your Own Work]

CASE-ACSE info at case-acse.ca
Wed Oct 11 08:31:13 EDT 2023

The Canadian Association of Sociology of Education (CASE) and Canadian Sociological Association’s (CSA’s) Education Cluster together present the final workshop in the Student Publishing Program. Register <https://utoronto.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvfuGqqTkqHdP4AXof48WfXH_XIKmJ-Pb6> to come next Wednesday to workshop 4 about Editing Your Own Work.
Workshop 4: Editing Your Own Work
This newly added workshop will students understand how to work with editors, style guides, and how to prep your work so it is in good shape for submission. Our guest will be academic copyeditor Kay Rollans, who is the editorial director of a higher education publisher in Alberta, Brush Education. Special thanks to OISE’s Leadership, Higher and Adult Education Departmental Student Association for sponsoring this workshop!
October 18 from 2-3pm ET, 11-12pm PT
Register here <https://utoronto.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvfuGqqTkqHdP4AXof48WfXH_XIKmJ-Pb6>


Fall Writing Retreat
Come with your notes and venue submission guidelines because this is when we will actually get the writing done! Please vote for your preferred dates at the link below.
Complete the survey here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8_4YpAsaP6mNTJKucy3qmZcfHinkjdtQZqoxDdLi_KLiWFw/viewform>

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