Call for Proposals
We are pleased to share the Call for Proposals for the 2024 meeting of CASE, a constituent association of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), in conjunction with the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences. Our 2024 meeting will be held at McGill University in Montréal, Québec scheduled from June 13 to June 16, 2024.
Essential CSSE/CASE Conference Details
- Deadline for proposals is October 11, 2023. Please mark your calendars and start thinking about your proposal ideas!
- Proposals require a 3-page Summary (blinded, double-spaced) and 200-word abstract.
- Proposals must be submitted online. Instructions for submitting will be posted on the CSSE website at
- Please note that “CASE” must be specified during submission for proposals to be considered for CASE.
- To submit to CASE, you or your co-author(s) must commit to complete peer reviews for two proposals for CASE.
Information on Congress
The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences is an annual gathering of dozens of Canadian academic organizations at one university. In addition to individual disciplinary conferences, there are open programs, headline speakers, and opportunities to network with scholars from across the country and beyond.
Information on CASE
We are seeking papers focused on critical examination of systems of schooling, from early childhood, K-12 to post-secondary, and the social forces that frame the relationship between schools and society. This scholarship intersects with a variety of research areas within and outside of education, but primarily considers how the policies and practices of all levels of schooling interact with inequality of societal experiences and the politics of knowledge.
Presentation Formats and Authorship Guidelines
CASE sessions include single- or multi-authored papers, panels, or symposia. Accepted papers are typically grouped with one or two other papers in a 75-minute session. Each paper presentation may have one or more authors, but should be a single cohesive presentation timed for approximately 15 minutes. The Program Chair will group papers on similar themes. A panel or symposium is usually scheduled in a 60 or 75 minute session devoted to one topic consisting of a series of shorter individual presentations.
In accordance with CSSE regulations, each presenter may be lead author on only one submission per association. This means that if you are submitting a paper or panel as lead author to CASE at CSSE, you cannot also submit a paper or panel as lead author to the Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (CAFE) or its other SIG Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CPES). You may, however, be lead author on a paper proposed to another association within CSSE. If you have any questions about CSSE regulations regarding authorship, please feel free to contact the Program Chair.
Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals and attend CASE's annual meeting. CASE is a great place to establish scholarly connections and receive feedback. CASE members are encouraged to connect graduate students at any stage of their program to CASE.
Submitting a Proposal and Peer Review
All proposals must be submitted through the central CSSE on-line submission system portal available through the CSSE website by October 11, 2023 without exception. Please see the CSSE site for links to the official call for proposals and submission instructions. Ensure you clearly mark that you are submitting to CASE.
All proposals will undergo double-blind review by at least two reviewers. Ensure your proposal has de- identified the author(s) and affiliated institution(s) in the text and meta-data. All proposals require a title, an abstract (maximum 200 words), key words, and a 3-page (double-spaced) proposal, plus references. Paper proposals should follow a format of empirical question or theoretical topic, the significance and literature, methods/approach, findings and contribution. Panel submissions should provide the theme and educational significance based in a body of literature, and make a case for the broad interest of scholars working in sociology of education or its methodologies. It should describe how the session will be structured, including the specific contributions of at least 3 co-presenters, as well as a designated Chair and/or Discussant. Submissions that do not follow the length and format described on the CSSE website may be rejected without review. In the interest of shared responsibility and engagement with CASE, each scholar submitting to CASE (including graduate students) will be expected to peer review two submissions for CASE without exception and without guarantee of acceptance of their own submission. Please be sure to update your CSSE profile to indicate being a reviewer and include your research interests.
Decisions are normally communicated near the end of January and are final. By submitting a proposal, it is understood that you intend to attend Congress in person. Finally, please remember that the number of current members helps determine how many sessions CASE is allotted in the CSSE program – so be sure to renew your CASE membership soon!
Yours Sincerely,
Jeannie Kerr
Program Chair
Canadian Association of Sociology of Education